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HeadWay Issue #233 - Improve Your Workplace
December 20, 2024

In this issue:

Improve Your Workplace

*An Update from James

Improve Your Workplace

As another year comes to end, many of us are thinking about the future. How can we make it better?

For those working together with others in their occupation, one question is at the forefront. How can this workplace be more efficient for those with migraine?

A new study from Switzerland offers some suggestions.

Swiss Suggestions...

The study, which came out less than a month ago, looked at some recent studies focused on "How to Promote a 'Migraine-Friendly Workspace'". Then they created a three-fold way of looking at workplace improvement. Here's a summary:

  1. Education - This involves providing materials and opportunities for everyone to learn about migraine.
  2. Emergency Treatments - Provide a few simple "emergency" items. Simple as in - fresh water, ice packs, healthy snacks, and emergency phone numbers.
  3. Prevention - How can you help all employees be more healthy in general? e.g. exercise opportunities.
  1. Room to retreat - a quiet, dark place to go if a sudden attack hits.
  2. Advice/support in trigger management - Are there triggers that could be avoided in the workplace? Reduce odors? Adjust lights?
  3. Create a climate of understanding - teach employees how migraine affects those who have it and those around them.
  1. Oppose stigmatisation - make it normal to talk about migraine, openly oppose stigma
  2. Flexibility - this might mean flexible work hours, for example.
  3. Social and legal support - job rotation opportunities

More than the Workplace?

Looking at these points, you might notice that these could mostly work in other places, not just the work place. What about the family home? What about other gathering places, such as a restaurant or a church? These are some useful ideas that can help us improve every place, especially if others are willing to work with us.

Think about it! How could you improve your "spaces" in the coming year, to make it a more productive and happy one?

To learn more about this study, visit Migraine Friendly Workspace - A Swiss Brain Health Initiative.

*An Update from James

Thanks so much for your patience over the past few months! For personal reasons, I haven't been able to post and email as much as normal. Everything is fine, just busy!

Having said that, thanks again for your support in another year! Be sure to visit Headache and Migraine News at, comment and share, and let's keep fighting back against migraine in the year to come!

Thanks for reading!  Remember, if you have feedback or ideas for future issues, visit the HeadWay MailRoom.  Your password is nomoache.
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