Do You Want to Advertise
with Us?

Are you interested in advertising directly to people interested in migraine, cluster headache, and other headache conditions, as well as doctors, advocates and caregivers? Headache and Migraine News is looking for quality, relevant advertising.

At the moment, sponsors are wanted for the monthly ezine HeadWay. Here are the current statistics for HeadWay:

Frequency: Monthly
Published Since: August 2003
Topic: Migraine and Headache (health)
Active Subscribers: 9124 (as of January 2019)
Main page: HeadWay

Advertising Guidelines

Although I am not able to verify everything about your product/website, I am looking for quality advertisers. I will reject ads/websites/products that make unsubstantiated claims (for example, if you say you have a "cure" for migraine, you need not apply), or anything questionable legally. The product must be relevant and useful for our subscribers.

At this time I am accepting text advertising, charged per line.


There will be a maximum of two ads in each newsletter, each ad a maximum of 2 lines. You may purchase both ad spaces if you wish.

Bonus: The ad will remain in the back issue online for at least 6 months at no extra charge (you may request to have it removed earlier) to give you maximum ongoing exposure.

Each line is US$60.


Ads are now being accepted for 2019. Your ad will need to be approved and paid for before the 12th of the month in order to be in that month's newsletter.

If you're interested, please fill out the form below, and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Yes! I am interested in sponsoring HeadWay

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


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