Community articles

Community articles

Community articles at is a new way to share our collective knowledge and experience.  Here's how it works:

I will post a question for you to answer.  It will always be related to migraine or cluster or headaches in general.  I won't ask questions that require a medical degree or a 3 year clinical study (such as which drug is better or how does the cerebral cortex influence migraine).  These will be questions that can draw on your experience.

Completed Community Articles:

  • Getting to sleep with migraine
  • What I wish you knew...
  • Insurance: Getting covered with headache and migraine
  • Newly diagnosed with Headache or Migraine? Here's our advice!

  • On this page I will post the question, and a form for you to fill out with the answer.  (I ask for your contact information for confirmation purposes - it won't sign you up for a newsletter and I will never, ever share your information with anyone else.)

    After a suitable length of time, I'll collect all responses and include the best ones, along with your first name and country only (your email address will never be posted!).  That page will stay on the site, and the next question will be posted.

    Eventually, we'll have a set of articles, created by you!  Tens of thousands of people visit this site every year, from all over the world.  Let's share our ideas and start easing the pain!

    Note:  There are other ways you can participate in this site:
  • Leave a comment at Headache and Migraine News
  • Vote for your favourite books at the Reader's Choice Awards
  • HeadWay subscribers can use the exclusive HeadWay MailRoom to leave comments and suggest ezine topics

  • And now, here's the question...

    Community Question #5

    Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

    Please complete the challenge that you see below.


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