Artistic Interpretation of Vacillating Crystalline Arc Shapes of the Migraine Phenomenon
by Kevin J. Cox
(Springfield, Illinois U.S.A.)
Migraine Aura
I never had Migraine aura until perhaps two years ago. I was worried about it at first. Now I know they'll go away in just a couple minutes or so.
After I got used to that fact, and being an artist, I thought about how I would Draw or Paint what I saw as a Colorful Vacillating Crystalline Arc or even a Complete Circle within my vision and sometimes across the center of the visual field.
After some thought, I applied myself through my Photoshop expertise at depicting it. Of course, I'm not actually in the picture as I am (on the left) in this depiction.
My niece, just today verified that hers look very much like this. (She said "right on".)
In recent weeks, I've also had vertigo and a (frightening) temporary blindness in one eye that lasted for a minute or two.
I'm glad I've never had the Pain that my mother, sister, daughter and niece all get that incapacitates them for whole days or several days at a time.
I was sent for brain scans this past week. Apparently neither of the doctors I have seen knew about Basilar Migraines which have the blindness thing too. Both doctors were blowing my dizziness off as related to my blood pressure meds and freaked about the blindness. If they had read about Basilars, they may have been less concerned and saved my insurance company some money.
Thanks for operating this site. K.J. Bob Katt Cox