
by Elaine Kowles

This is more or less the colours and visuals I see, this has intensified over the last couple of months followed by neck pain and migraine.

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Sep 13, 2016
Good material NEW
by: Anonymous

css(":nth-child(2) \u003e button").system_click()!

May 21, 2016
Relieved NEW
by: Anonymous

Was in the ER with this yesterday and it happened again today. Frightening. Then my sister told me about this. Its accurate. Starts with a C and grows to cover my whole field of vision. It is visible from each eye and together its a mess of rainbow colors. Ive been listening to a brain wave program to cure my tinnitus. I wonder if that could have triggered this?

Aug 18, 2011
That's what I see
by: Anonymous

I've had 3 ocular migraines in the past 4 months and last night was the most intense. I was trying to tell my husband how vivid the colors were. Mine was in a "C" shape though.

Jan 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

That's a good one! I hope mine don't get that opaque, it would make it very hard to walk or drive... let alone television watching or reading.

Mar 19, 2009
too familiar
by: Elizabeth

I see something along these lines, too. I never knew what it was. I got checked for glaucome and was told I didn't have it. My eyes were always checked every few years. I couldn't figure it out. I am so relieved to know it's just a headache but blessed because it doesn't really hurt. I am one of the lucky ones.

Mar 05, 2009
me too!
by: Anonymous

that is exactly the kind of visual i get, only mine is black n white, and in my right wierd is that? thanks for sharing

Dec 03, 2008
reply to Sharon
by: Anonymous

hello sharon,
the visuals occur over my left eye, starting off with a zig zag flashing through the spectrum, it started about two years ago, I am fifty.

Dec 03, 2008
one eye or both, honey?
by: Sharon

just curious.

i'm having an upswing of migraines lately along with sexual arousal which, i'm sorry to say, doesn't impress me much.

Dec 03, 2008
Incredible colours!
by: James

Incredible colours! Thanks for giving us a glimpse of what you're seeing.

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