Hanging On To Your Face

by Karen

Things Hanging On

Things Hanging On

Those migraines that last for days. It feels as though things have attached to the side of your face and over your eye. They just keep hanging there and won't let go.

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Jan 19, 2012
by: Lucylou

I especially like the eye. My left eye is always affected and gets droopy. Having a 5 dayer right now.

Nov 09, 2011
Just hanging on

instantly identified with this picture! Sounds silly but Ithought I was the only one who had days and days where headache "ache" hung onto my head face and neck like that...just enough discomfort to make working and daily activities difficult for days on end enough pain to aggrevate family and friends when I say No to activities...thanks for defining something so personal and so universal to migraine sufferers.

Sep 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

That is awesome!

Sep 16, 2011
Migraines and facial pain
by: Anonymous

how true and it shows in photos. the face s soooo stressed looking. i hate the aura that comes with it as well.

Sep 16, 2011
This picture speaks a thousand words
by: Anonymous

I feel that way a lot! My migraines hold on for forever! I wish they could come up with a sure fire way to get rid of migraines. I can't take any of the medications in the Triptiphan family so I can only rely on the pain killers and I hate taking them! I feel the way the picture looks exactly almost daily when I have a migraine.

Sep 15, 2011
by: Natanya

That is exactly what I experience. EXACTLY!

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