Is this Scintillating Scotoma? - It is mine!

by Mike
(England, Biggleswade)

A GIF animation of flashing in my eyes

A GIF animation of flashing in my eyes

I have seen this shape drift across my eyes moving top left of field to bottom right then it starts over again. It is about 50% transparent and is accompanied by a headache which appears to be effect rather than cause.

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Jan 19, 2011
make an EEG
by: yazer

make an EEG
such visual hallucinations could be accompanied by a small epileptic focus in the visual center of the brain. that's why it spins and moves. It's your brain faking an image of light.

Jul 14, 2010
Yes, always feel wiped out
by: Gayle

Depending on the length and intensity of the migraine, I can feel wiped out for 1/2 a day up to several days. It's great to have a place to share these experiences with other people who understand how difficult migraines are.

Apr 15, 2010
wish I knew how to draw mine on this site!
by: Anonymous

I experienced my first opthalmic migraine yesterday - totally frightening because I then had no idea what was happening. Mine first appeared as drops of water smeared on the page I was reading. Changed to a discrete shape outlined in black, sot of the shape of a fish, without the tail, Around the edges were zigzags, grids, etc. which eventually enlarged and contained shimmering colors (oranges, yellows, teal.) I could not read, and the object was present "in both eyes" obscuring most of my field of vision. After about 30 minutes, the images faded, grayed, and moved across to my left; following that I could see normally.

Has anyone felt totally wiped out after an episode?

Mar 25, 2010
Flashing and Fading and Flashing .....
by: Mike

Yes it does spin, fade and flash just as you describe. I haven't noticed the rotation but the dark/light panels alternate giving the flashing. It is a shame the file didn't get installed as the animated GIF file I uploaded goes some way to demonstrate it; perhaps the web-master can fix that. Regards

Mar 25, 2010
scintillating scotoma
by: Anonymous

YES! and I bet it spins and fades in and out while flashing does it not? Great representation and nice drawing!

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