The Pain Tunnel

by Sharlene
(Plano, TX)

The Pain Tunnel

The Pain Tunnel

So blinding is the light
I shut my eyes

Digital Photoshop Work after migraine.

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Nov 11, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

The woman’s of the nation should try to get education and they should send their children’s essay writing service to learn their education. The educations of the children’s are very important for the good future of the families.

Jan 17, 2013
Sensitive Eyes
by: Anonymous

The eye seems to be one of the worst places affected. Sounds and smells as well. But the eyes, with me usually one more than the other. This is like looking through my eye.
Good job. Sorry you go through this as well.

Jan 16, 2010
Thanks for watching / listening
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your comments. May we find a way through, around, over and beyond these painful moments and transform pain into beauty.

Much love.

Jan 15, 2010
What a powerful depiction!!
by: Beth Young Gooden

WOW!! I asked my Headache Specialist this last appointment if everyone who got migraines was so sensitive to light the way I was EVERY DAY. He answered, the number one symptom of migraine sufferers is their sensitivity to light.

"Sensitivity" to light. I don't believe that the word "sensitivity" is the best way to describe what I feel when it comes to light, especially during a migraine attack. The pain of the BLINDING light when the sun hits the windshield or the side mirror of what seems like EVERY car around me. It's an instant migraine trigger for me. It is just too painful to go outside sometimes, and sadly even to stay in if the sun shines too bright on a window sill or if the contrast is too great or if the TV is flickering. But only "we" understand that.

Your photo is OUTSTANDING!! Thank you for putting a picture into "words".

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