What I see

by Sharon
(Canton, Ohio)

Image produced during college. What I see.

Image produced during college. What I see.

I produced this during college. 2002. At the time I was studying graphic arts and it dawned on me that I might now have the skills to show the world what migraineurs see.

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Oct 15, 2015
what I see NEW
by: Todd M. Probst

I have migraine and it is the worst feeling ever. The picture you have drawn exactly depicts my condition and I appreciate you for that as nobody seems to understand the pain involved as it is understandably not visible. I have learnt from get custom essay net writing site that such conditions can cause a lot of agony and people loose precious moments of life where important decisions are made. This is rather unfortunate.

Apr 16, 2015
Info that make sense NEW
by: Gail F. Fails

At last I can have found something from this post Bolivian good life

Feb 14, 2012
Limited Success 4 Years Later NEW
by: Sharon

I don't know how "Anonymous" got selected. My name is Sharon. I posted the comment "Limited Success 4 Years Later"

I don't know if others on here have tried acupuncture but if anyone has I'd love to hear your experience.

Feb 14, 2012
Limited Success 4 Years Later NEW
by: Anonymous

I tried acupuncture 3 years ago. It worked. Not permanently but I gained 6 whole months without a migraine. At first I thought I had been "cured" but then after the 6 months they came back- albeit slowly.

My experience during the acupuncture was a feeling of heat that ran up my back to my neck to the top of my head then down the front of my neck into my chest and it ended right about where the solar plexus would be. I actually broke out in a sweat and wondered if the acupuncturist had turned the room heat too high. When I left I felt absolutely nothing different. It was over the 6 months that I realized my migraines had stopped even when storms came.

I'm a military veteran so I am going back for more treatment. Its taken me nearly 2 years to win this fight with the V.A.

Aug 16, 2008
by: Sharon

Thank you to everyone.

Aug 16, 2008
by: connie

The intrusion of the migraine is really illustrated well.

Aug 15, 2008
by: James

A fascinating representation of aura. Excellent!

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